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Huckletree: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights with Koho

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A BizOp Overhaul


Huckletree, a coworking operator with offices in London, Manchester, and Dublin, faced the daunting challenge of bridging disparate CRM systems. Their fragmented data was stifling the full view of client health, pipeline, and business risks. Koho's platform emerged as the linchpin, not just integrating their existing CRMs—HubSpot and Nexudus—but also uncovering layers of insights that were previously buried in heaps of data.


Disjointed Data View
Operating on HubSpot for Sales & Marketing and Nexudus for daily operations led to isolated data siloes.

Modern look and feel to address the latest market needs.

All-in-one. Everything and more to make marketing simple and enjoyable.


Integrate data across CRMs for a cohesive reporting structure.

Develop dashboards for key business metrics and risks.

Maintain data hygiene across the board.


Koho's data factory seamlessly pulled, analysed, and blended data from both HubSpot and Nexudus. The information was then showcased through user-friendly dashboards tailored to Huckletree's key KPIs.

Key Features Utilised

  • Client/Asset LTV Reports: Providing granular insights into the long-term profitability of individual assets.
  • Pipeline-to-Vacancy Analysis: Enabling proactive planning for future void risks.
  • Contract Risk Dashboards: Offering instant visibility into upcoming expirations.
  • Data Health Tab: A real-time monitor for data inconsistencies across platforms.


Yvonne Eruteya
Yvonne Eruteya, CFO, Huckletrere

Koho's bridged multiple internal systems and surfaced insights that simply weren't available to us before. It's been a game changer.


  • Enhanced Risk Visibility: A clearer view of void risks has led to better-informed strategic decisions.
  • Deeper Portfolio Understanding: Metrics around asset performance now drive more precise planning and action.
  • Data-driven Pipeline Management: Insights into sales pipelines have allowed for smarter, agile operations.

Unexpected Benefits

The Data Health Tab became an unsung hero. Its constant monitoring and flagging of data issues were utilised far more than anticipated, thereby ensuring the reliability of all reported metrics.


While the future plans for expanding Koho's role within Huckletree remain in discussion, the platform's impact is indisputable. By serving as a comprehensive data-centric nerve centre, Koho has empowered Huckletree to evolve from fragmented views and manual reporting to a landscape of actionable, data-driven insights.